What I Did Today 06/12/15

  • On June 12, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Today I decided to rework a character design I hadn’t fully fleshed out. I think it’s important to not just have a stock “guy with a beard” or “girl with glasses” you always pull out, especially if they’re going to be a regular character. There’s so much personality you can bring with subtle variations. Do they wear their glasses up high or down low? Is their big hair crazy and all over the place or does it pull itself in one direction? The more often you draw them the better understanding you have of who they are. Even if you’re holding on somebody’s face there’s little changes you can enact that tell a little more about what’s going on in their head.

I inked some more today until I totally gave up on being productive. This weather makes me want to melt into a puddle. I spent my evening cleaning up my media library for Kodi and PseudoTV Live. I have to bring the media in properly so it scrapes all the related info. What doesn’t scrape is going to need directory channels and whatnot. (Because scraping is great unless you have an ancient movie or obscure program that doesn’t have an internet listing.) I’ve spent so much time and energy thinking about the comic it’s nice to move away from working on it to do some tedious organizing. Like when Trey Parker builds lego sets to drain off the stress of working on South Park.