What I Did Today 12/16/15

  • On December 16, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Remembering Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 6.

Spent today working on part of an animatic. I wanted to sort out the beats and write the dialogue. Changed the character to make it more entertaining. Still have ~half to write but I like how it’s shaping up. It’s just been on my mind so I wanted to get it out before I forgot anything. Took a nap then went for lunch with dad. Came home, called in my prescriptions, then went to pick them up and renew my driver’s license.

Tonight we’re recording another M&C. I’d like to spend tomorrow drawing. Today was mostly writing and thumbnailing. I didn’t focus on any one drawing because I was trying to lay the bulk of it out to refine later. Friday I’m devoting to Monday’s comic simply because I never know how much work I’m going to be able to do over the weekend.