What I Did Today 11/26/15

  • On November 26, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Happy Thanksgiving from this week’s Billy Badass!

Minecraft and Chill 4.

Recorded this week’s M&C, chatted with the folks online for a bit after, and stayed up late last night. Woke up a couple times today. Went to get dog food and a few things with my dad. Spent most of today trying to relax and catch up on sleep. Had an idea for a video project and looked up inspiration/reference for it. Not sure when I’ll get to it in the schedule of stuff I’ve got lined up. I want to get the next couple comics pages done before I work on anything bigger.

I’m glad I figured out my storage situation, I’m just waiting for it to get here so I can set it up. Whenever I order something online I always have the nagging worry in the back of my head, “It’s gonna show up at my door and it’ll be a brick in a box, and I’m gonna be like, ‘Oooo! They got me!’ And I’m gonna deserve it!” The few times I’ve had problems with stuff getting lost in shipping or arriving damaged the sellers have been plenty accommodating. It’s just the fear that I’m gonna get that one person that sends you a picture of something and disappears.