What I Did Today 09/09/15

  • On September 9, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Can you keep a secret? Check out this week’s Billy Badass!

Watch me play Don’t Starve in my new Let’s Play series NoRights Plays…!

Spent the morning in pain, holding my gut. Tried to work but was impossible to keep concentration. By afternoon it’d dulled down to mostly discomfort. Second appointment went well and decided I was in no mood to try fussing with that phone call again today. I did manage to put together a rough layout for that animation, though.

Dramatic Death Layout

This was mostly to figure out the framing and the paths of motion. Didn’t do any easing yet as the timing is subject to change. I’m looking forward to focusing on each element separately and adding little touches. It’s fascinating how few drawings it takes to tell if something’s working or not.