What I Did Today 07/22/15

  • On July 22, 2015 ·
  • By ·

Did you know there was a Little Shop of Horrors cartoon? Check out my webcomic Billy Badass to find out more!

Slept in today hoping to balance my system out. Went to lunch with my dad and then grocery shopping with my mom. Last night I flat-fill colored two pages and today I added shading to them. I’ve got two more inked pages to color and tone before I need to start drawing and inking again. The ideal is to finish two pages a day to keep on top of things and get ahead. Realistically I know there’ll be days where I can only get a stage or two of the pages done. These pages have a lot of panels, there’s research involved sometimes, and some days I won’t be starting until the evening.

I really hate saying it like that because of course I want to meet the ideal. But I think it’s an important realization to make. Sometimes life gets in the way. I love drawing, it’s what I want to do for a living. Yet somehow days happen where the sun sets and I haven’t started working yet. I’ll get swept up in something, I’ll wake up sick, or one of myriad of things prevents me from doing what I know I want to do. Sometimes it’s even myself. I’ll want to work on something else or be frustrated with the progress I’m making. Some days I’ll just want to not be productive at all and take a break. And really it’s healthier to acknowledge that. You can’t solve a problem if you fail to believe it exists. If I don’t want to be working maybe I should clear my head and do something else for awhile. If other things keep monopolizing my time maybe I should start saying no more often. Maybe instead of beating myself up that I’m not knocking out of the park every day in the studio I should accept it’s not a sign of weakness to fall short of perfection once in awhile.